Local Plan Policy
The Cherwell Local Plan 2031 (Part 1) Partial Review was formally adopted on 7 September 2020. The Partial Review sets out the strategic planning framework and site allocations to meet Cherwell District’s share of the unmet housing needs of Oxford to 2031.
Following the acquisition of the site in September 2022, Bellway Homes owns the land identified in the Partial Review as Policy PR6a - Land East of Oxford Road. The site is identified for 690 homes together with a primary school, local centre and public open space.
The site sits south of the Oxford Parkway station and Park & Ride, adjacent to the northern edge of Oxford at ‘Cutteslowe’ and east of the Oxford / Banbury Road.
The policy for the site requires the development to be guided by a Development Brief. This was prepared by prepared by Cherwell District Council and has been the subject of public consultation. The Development Brief was adopted in September 2022.
The land to the west of the site is also allocated for development under Policy PR6b. While we are liaising with the landowners of PR6b the proposals for PR6a and PR6b are coming forward independently.
Policy PR6a for Water Eaton
Key delivery requirements:
- 690 dwellings
- 50 per cent affordable housing as per National Planning Policy Framework
- Primary school (2.2ha in size)
Local centre (0.5ha) including:
- local convenience retail
- ancillary business development and/or financial and professional uses
- a cafe or restaurant
- community building for use as social and childcare facilities / potential health services / emergency services infrastructure.
- Sports facilities, play areas and allotments
- 11ha extension to Cutteslowe Park
- 8ha green infrastructure corridor
- 3ha area of retained agricultural land

Policies Map. Click image to enlarge Pinch to zoom